
Friday 1 August 2014

Ticket 38: Use An ABCCC Rhyme Scheme

A - He roller coaster, He got early warning
B - He got Muddy Water, He one Mojo filter
C - He say, "One and one and one is three"
C - Got to be good looking, cause he so hard to see
C - Come together, right now, over me

John Lennon is the only person I've come across to use this scheme. Why not be the second? Or at least a member of a very exclusive club...

Come Together

See also

Ticket 23: Write Fewer Lyrics
Ticket 24: Use Parallel Lyrics
Ticket 26: Use An AABA Structure
Ticket 49: Employ Madrigalism
Ticket 54: Unify Your Lyrical Imagery/Extended Metaphor
Ticket 67: Repeat Verse 1

See the full list of songwriting tips here - Tickets To Write


  1. Also used in "Day in the Life" in the final section:
    I read the news today, oh boy (A)
    Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire (B)
    And though the holes were rather small (C)
    They had to count them all (C)
    Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall (C)

    Pretty rare and cool rhyme scheme.
