
Friday, 16 September 2011

What's Your Basis Beat?

This line-up may at first seem dull but it must be appreciated that as the boys have above average instrumental ability they achieve surprisingly varied effects. Their basis beat is off-beat, but this has recently tended to be accompanied by a faint on-beat; thus the overall sound is rather reminiscent of the four in the bar of traditional jazz. This could possibly be put down to the influence of Mr McCartney [Senior], who led one of the top local jazz bands (Jim Mac’s Jazz Band) in the 1920s.

A very young Paul McCartney struggling to describe the Beatles style circa 1960

Taken from the very intriguing Early Beatles Songs website. Check it out.


  1. It's an interesting website indeed, thanks!

  2. You're welcome. I really ought to do a recommended site page - starting with your wonderful Beatles blog!

  3. Thank you, I'll check that one out too
